dimanche, juillet 16, 2006

Tapas, Trends and Corruption...

Centuries ago, the king of spain decided to pass a law to oblige bar tenants to serve a little munching with every alcoholic beverage sold. The purpose of this duty was to reduce traffic incidents caused by drunk Coach drivers. There wasn't any specifics about the type of food to be served but it started with simple samples of ham, olives and anchovies...The Tapas were born... Free at first, they naturally evolved in variety and quickly became a sort of tradition which make spanish bars so sociable and convivial. No matter what type of cheese or sausage it was, the Tapas definitely carried a social and popular value. You can still have a taste of this friendly atmosphere in spanish little villages and ports....

Today, Chefs from Paris, New York, London or even Prague remove olives and terra cotta to display nice arrangements of stuffed mussels and elaborated tapenades. Of course some may appreciate the "enbourgoisement" of the tapas but as well deplore the abandon of their original idea, this informal time of sharing or how to entertain your beer sipping with the motion of a tooth pic fishing the rest of a chorizo. The trend grew to a point where unless you are in the far neck of andalousia you have very few opportunities to lift a modest cerveza in any other places than a flashy lounge joint...

Evolution or pervertion? Trend or Pillage?
you don't necessarily have to torture yourself with such existential questions.
Although, if you are around the gastronomical city of Lyon and still looking for answers just pop in "Le tango de la rue" and enjoy the generosity of the delices laid on your table. There and only then, just armed with your fork and empanadas (garlic and tomatoes spread slices of bread), dipping zuchini's terrine, stirring marinated calamaries or picking cumin spiced carrots you may have a chance to reach an inch of the Tapas Truth...

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